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Best Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Excess oil
Oily Skin

If you struggle with oily skin, you may struggle finding a skincare routine that actually works to keep the oils at bay.  

This is especially true if you go to school or university, where studying all day long can trigger your oil glands to work overtime… ugh.

This is why it’s extremely important to find the right skincare routine to manage the oil and moisture levels on your skin. Luckily, we’re here to save you the trouble of scrolling through countless forums online to find the right routine. We’ve done our research, so you don’t have to!  

Morning Routine for Oily Skin

You know you have oily skin when you wake up in the morning and feel the grease over your face. As annoying as this can be, the right morning skincare routine for oily skin will wash it all away to leave you with clean and balanced looking skin.

Step 1: Cleanse

Cleansing your skin is probably the most important thing you can do when you struggle with overactive oil glands. Not only are you washing away dirt and impurities, but you’re also reducing your chances of breaking out by ensuring that your skin is free from any pore-clogging substances.  

We would definitely recommend a cleanser that contains salicylic acid, which is an ingredient that has been proven to reduce oil production and balance moisture levels on the skin.  

Our best pick: Cleansing Gel for Oily Skin

How to: Squeeze a dime size of the product on your hand, then apply it onto your wet face. Gently massage the product on your face in a circular motion, then rinse it off!  

Step 2: Exfoliate (Once or Twice a Week)

Once or twice a week, you’ll want to add this step into your skincare routine. Because excess oil can clog and enlarge pores (thereby leading to acne breakouts and blackheads) it’s important to exfoliate to clean it all out.  

A gentle salicylic acid exfoliator will help to eliminate excess oil and keep skin clear.  

Our best pick: Exfoliator for Oily Skin

How to: Apply a small amount of the product onto your wet face, and gently massage in circular motions onto skin for a few minutes. Rinse off and reveal your super fresh super clean skin!

Step 3: Moisturize

You may be tempted to skip this step if you have oily skin, but we would definitely recommend using a lightweight moisturizer. This is because drying your skin out too much will promote your oil glands to work overtime again… yep, we know how crazy that sounds.  

Using a lightweight face cream that contains ingredients such flavonoids and propolis will do your skin a massive favor. This is because the ingredients mentioned contain natural antibiotics which help fight off acne to promote a smooth and balanced complexion.  

Our best pick: Face Cream for Acneic Skin

How to: Super simple! Just dab a small amount of the product over your face, avoiding your mouth and eyes.  

Step 4: SPF

The last and equally important step is to apply sunscreen, always!

Night Time Routine for Oily Skin

After a long day of studying or hanging out with your besties, you may find that your skin is once again jam packed with oil. It’s important to ensure that all the oil is washed off your face before you sleep to avoid any breakouts.  

Step 1: Remove All Makeup  

You don’t want anything else clogging your pores, trust us! As tired as you may be, it’s important that you take a minute to remove your makeup ASAP before going to bed.  

Step 2: Cleanse (Again)

As mentioned in the morning portion, washing your face is the best thing you can do for your oily skin. We would once again recommend using the same salicylic acid cleanser for this.  

Step 3: Face Mask

If you have some time to spare for some self care (OMG that rhymed), we would recommend using a peel-off face mask to top off the perfect skincare routine. This will ensure that you face is fully cleansed, soothed, and detoxified before you go to bed at night.  

Using a face mask with matcha (yum) will help balance oil levels while calming any irritation that may have built up throughout the day.  

Our best pick: Peel-Off Mask for Oily and Combination Skin

How to: Apply a thin layer of the mask to your dry skin, and then wait at least 10 minutes before peeling off.  

Bye Bye, Oil Factory

Your skin may have been acting like an oil factory with the amount of oil that it produces.  

Fortunately, the right morning and night-time skincare routines will ensure that the oil levels on your skin are balanced. This way, you can focus on more important things, like studying! (Ha ha ha)

Thank you, oil glands, but you can chill out now.

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